

Every startup, irrespective of the nature and size of operations, requires funds to convert its innovative ideas into reality. Most of the businesses generally fail because of their inability to raise sufficient funds. After all, you need some money or capital to keep your business going at every stage. If you’re new to the world of startups and have no idea about raising funds, then you need to make yourself familiar with these different stages first.

Funding Stages


An entrepreneur should ascertain how much amount he/she can contribute from his/her own pockets. Assess all of your investments and savings kept in multiple accounts, and approach your friends and family. This stage involves fewer complexities and documentation, and even your friends and family maybe ready to lend at a cheaper rate. Self-funding or bootstrapping is apt if your startup requires a little investment earlier.


Seed-capital is an investment made at the preliminary stage of the start-up. This helps the business in identifying and creating a perfect direction for their start-up. Funds raised at this stage are used for knowing the customers’ demands, preferences, and tastes, and then formulating a product or service accordingly. Most of the budding entrepreneurs raise this capital from friends, mentors, and family, while some take up loans in exchange for common stock.


When the company’s final products or services reach the market, venture capital funding comes into the picture. Regardless of the products’ profitability, every business considers using this stage that further involves multiple rounds of funding.

Series A

Series A investment, being the very first round of funding, doesn’t ask for external funding. At this stage, startups have formulated a specific plan for their product or service. It is mostly used for marketing and improving your brand credibility, tapping new markets and helping the business grow.

Series B

When a business relies on Series B investment, it portrays that the product is marketed right, and the customers are actually buying the product or service, as decided earlier. Such funding helps a business in paying salaries, hiring more staff, improving the infrastructure and establishing it as a global player.

Series C

A startup can receive as many rounds of investment as possible, there is no certain restriction on it. However, during Series C investment, the owners, as well as the investors, are pretty cautious about funding this round. The more the investment rounds, the more release of the business equity.

IPO (Initial Public Offering)

When a startup decides to raise funds from the public including institutional investors as well as individuals, by selling its shares, it is known as an IPO (Initial Public Offering). IPO is commonly related to ‘going public’ as the general public now wants to invest in your company by buying shares.

It's not an obligation for the founders to disclose their financial statements before public if they go for an IPO. But the company must submit information related to financial statements, the purpose of raising funds, etc. to the SEBI. IPO basically helps you grow and diversify in areas of choice. For taking your startup to the next level, you should know which stage of funding you want to go for, for what purpose. Such decisions made at the right time can be boon for your business.

AICRA would support their StartUp Members to raise funds through government schemes, angel investors, and ending with venture capital (VC)

Eligibility Criteria:

  1. A startup, recognized by DPIIT, incorporated not more than 2 years ago at the time of application.
  2. The startup must have a business idea to develop a product or a service with a market fit, viable commercialization, and scope of scaling.
  3. The startup should be using technology in its core product or service, or business model, or distribution model, or methodology to solve the problem being targeted.
  4. Preference would be given to startups creating innovative solutions in sectors such as social impact, waste management, water management, financial inclusion, education, agriculture, food processing, biotechnology, healthcare, energy, mobility, defence, space, railways, oil and gas, textiles, etc.
  5. Startup should not have received more than Rs 10 lakh of monetary support under any other Central or State Government scheme. This does not include prize money from competitions and grand challenges, subsidized working space, founder monthly allowance, access to labs, or access to prototyping facility.
  6. Shareholding by Indian promoters in the startup should be at least 51% at the time of application to the incubator for the scheme, as per Companies Act, 2013 and SEBI (ICDR) Regulations, 2018.
  7. A startup applicant can avail seed support in the form of grant and debt/convertible debentures each once as per the guidelines of the scheme.